As an important component to gas,LNG account for 15% of the total gas consumption. With the adjustment ofnational energy structure and the rising demand for energy, the LNG productionis increasing steadily. The production reached over 7 million tonnes in 2015,with year-on-year growth of 8.02%. The demand for LNG was more than 26 milliontonnes. Meanwhile,Chinais the third country which import LNG, the import volume was over 19 milliontonnes in 2015, declined 1% for the first time.
Overall, the LNG market is motivatedby the effective demand not the suppliers. LNG has a lot advantages, it cansave about 35% fuel expense compared with gasoline and diesel. As the expansionof LNG automobile manufacturing and technology is becoming mature, theincreasing LNG automobile will be a strong impetus for the LNG industry.
1) The Aim of Report
§ To provide readers withcomprehensive and in-depth understanding of Chinese LNG product industry;
§ To analyze the marketimport and export of LNG product industry;
§ To analyze the futuretrend of LNG product industry;
§ To analyze market size of the industry;
§ To reveal opportunitiesfor LNG product industry inChina.
2) Benefit from the Report
§ Obtain latest info of LNG product industry, such as market size, price, keyplayers, etc.;
§ Discover market potentialin upstream, downstream;
§ Find out how Chinese LNGproduct market will change and how your business can be involved in;
§ Keep informed of yourcompetitors/their activities inChina;
§ Learn about key marketdrivers, investment opportunity ;
Part | Contents |
| Executive Summary |
| Definition and Methodology |
1 | Chinese LNG Industry Development |
1.1 | Overview |
1.2 | Market Supply |
1.3 | Market Demand |
1.4 | Market Price |
2 | LNG Industrial Chain |
2.1 | Upstream |
2.2 | Downstream |
3 | LNG Import and Export |
3.1 | Import |
3.2 | Export |
4 | Chinese Bellwether Company |
4.1 | Kunlun Energy Company Limited |
4.1.1 | Introduction |
4.1.2 | Product |
4.1.3 | Production |
4.1.4 | Performance |
4.2 | Company B |
4.3 | Company C |
4.4 | Company D |
…………. |
| ASKCI's Legal Disclaimer |
List ofTables
Table 1 Chinese LNG product outputtrend
Table 2 Chinese LNG product outputforecast
Table 3 Sales of Chinese LNG product
List ofFigures
Figure 1 Sales of Chinese LNGproduct forecast
Figure 2 Chinese LNG productindustrial chains
Figure 3 Market size of LNG productforecast
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